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Understanding Open Rhinoplasty And Comparing Costs

The Scope and Benefits of Open Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty, popularly known as a ‘nose job,’ is a cosmetic surgical procedure performed to alter the shape or improve the function of the nose. Among the different techniques available, open rhinoplasty is widely recognized for enabling surgeons to complete the procedure with significant visibility and precision. This article will provide a comprehensive overview of open rhinoplasty and discuss its varying costs concerning liquid rhinoplasty.

What is Open Rhinoplasty?

Open rhinoplasty is a nose reshaping technique in which an external cut is made across the strip of tissue that separates the nostrils, known as the columella. This approach lifts the nasal skin off the nose bone and cartilage, offering a clear view of the internal nasal structures. As such, the open technique offers surgeons the precision needed for intricate and significant nasal changes, whether for cosmetic or medical reasons.

The Procedure

An open rhinoplasty begins with anesthesia to ensure patient comfort before the surgeon creates a small incision on the columella. The doctor will then delicately lift the skin to expose the nasal framework. To reshape the nose, the surgeon can either remove certain parts or add grafts made of the patient’s cartilage or soft tissue. After completing the enhancements, the doctor will redrape the skin and tissue over the nose, close the incisions with stitches, and place a splint to support the new shape during recovery.

Broad Range of Uses

Open rhinoplasty can correct various concerns, such as a crooked nose, a bulbous or upturned tip, long or wide nostrils, and more. It’s also effective in fixing functional issues like breathing problems caused by a deviated septum. Although it may seem appealing for its vast range of uses and superior precision, the suitability of open rhinoplasty ultimately depends on individual patient concerns and the surgeon’s professional judgment.


The recovery process after open rhinoplasty usually entails swelling, bruising, and slight discomfort in the initial weeks. Most patients can return to work or their regular schedule after two weeks, with the final results typically visible after six months to a year as the nose continues to heal and refine its shape.

Open Rhinoplasty vs. Liquid Rhinoplasty Cost

When considering a nose job, the financial commitment is an important aspect to take into account. The cost for any cosmetic procedure, including open rhinoplasty, is usually comprehensive, factoring in the surgeon’s fees, facility costs, anesthesia, and post-surgery care.On the other hand, it’s notable that the liquid rhinoplasty cost is usually lower as it’s a non-surgical procedure that uses dermal fillers to temporarily alter the shape of the nose. While liquid rhinoplasty can be a cost-effective solution for minor alterations, for more significant changes and long-term results, open rhinoplasty is a worthy investment.


In conclusion, open rhinoplasty is known for high precision, flexibility, and long-lasting results, though it may be more expensive than nonsurgical options like liquid rhinoplasty. It is prudent to consult with a specialized surgeon to explore the best possible options, keeping in mind your goals, budget, and recovery considerations.